It takes two, baby

Cousteau and I have travelled a long way in the past two years. 731 days ago, we had not yet started our blip journey together and were waiting with trepidation.

365 days ago, we considered leaving this particular hobby by the wayside as the ups and downs of life distracted us.

Quite how I reached this milestone without missing a day, I'll never know!

My faith, my friends, my family, my blipfamily and my faithful hound have all contributed to the rich tapestry of the past two years.

I have cried.

I have laughed.

I have had days with nothing to say.

I have had days where it all just spilled out.

Reading back over the past 729 blips, I see patterns emerge. I see a life being lived. Good and bad.

We've come a long way, Cousteau and I.

Now we're looking forward to the adventures that are ahead of us.

We hope that you'll come with us.

Thank you so much for all your kind words, the support, the love, the laughs.

Thank you to Joe et al for providing this forum for us. It may have changed a lot over the past wee while but it's the essence of blip that remains.

P.S. As I don't get a balloon for 730, sorry David77 - I've given Cousteau one to play with.

P.P.S. Oh I DO get a balloon! Yay. =)

Blip Birthday Buddy

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