
By Diarised

Fred Pumpkin

Well today just has to be a photo of Fred Pumpkin. We harvested him today and he is now living in his new home (our shed) for a few weeks so he is all prepared for Halloween.

We weighed him and he is a whopper at 27 pounds - he was registered as a Guest on my Aria scale :)

We planted 6 seeds in April and only one plant took and then that plant only produced one pumpkin - Good Old Fred. It didn't help that the male and female flowers hardly opened at the same time. We had to get busy with a makeup brush to help the pollination along and luckily it did the trick with Fred.

This was our first attempt at growing a pumpkin - didn't realise how big the plant grew - the leaves and stalk took over the garden and it turned into a real labour of love. Was good fun though.

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