Shattered Nerves

It was a lovely warm still day so thought I would see how far I could go on a walk, because my knee has been really sore lately. I made it to Victoria Square and sat for sometime resting my knee and observing the Copthorne hotel being demolished. Watching the guy, 'as there was only one working today.. thank-goodness', and noticing that he was removing the metal beams that were holding middle of the building up. I had such a funny feeling about it all and thought it may collapse if he kept doing that. So moved on more into the city as my knee was holding up.. just!

After a short walk around the SCAPE Public Art installs I went and had a coffee in New Regent Street before going home. I was talking to a lovely couple from Christchurch when it all happened. They thought it was a earthquake as the ground shaked like a 5.9 earthquake.. I said I know what it was.. the Copthorne collapsing! It make me feel sick to the stomach as I thought that there may have been people killed or seriously injured. So after the dust cleared we went to see what had happened and found out that no one was killed or seriously injured.. thank goodness!

So I had to walk the long way home as all the streets were block of around the site because the two towers were unstable and could fall at any time. I was speaking to a couple guys who had been talking to the crane guy that was working on this site two days earlier and told him that he was doing it all the wrong way and it could collapse! They had worked on many big demolition sites around Christchurch and knew what they were talking about and the guy said he was told to do it that way and that was that!! So heads are going to fall I would say!

Here are some before and after shots taken to day!

This was not my planned blip but because of unforeseen events .. it was again. My blip the other day on the Hotel!

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