The Wilsons

By WendyWooWilson

2nd Anniversary

Today is JimJam's two year anniversary of her bone marrow transplant. Its had its highs and lows, I will admit. This year we have seen lots of hospital visits, some scheduled due to surgery and others due to illness. And more and more blood transfusions. Whilst I am celebrating the day (by going to a friends birthday party), it is also sad as the transplant didnt work. However, we are scheduled for a 2nd one very shortly which a donor who is a 10/10 match which gives her a better chance. Thank you Anothy Nolan for having him/her on your list. What amazing news, and we are feeling very positive! Go JimJam, you are amazing!! And we are looking forward to posting a picture of you in another 2 yrs time looking a little more awake. Xx

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