
Filled out a few details on yesterday's blip. People seem to get worried when I don't say much!

This summer refuses to relinquish itself fully to autumn. After a misty start the cloud eventually burnt off after lunch to reveal hazy blue skies and the wispiest of high cirrus cloud. The temperature rose throughout the day and it felt really quite warm this afternoon. I got some important jobs done in the morning but it's been mostly a day spent outside. It would have been criminal to have been inside any longer than necessary. I've run and I've cycled, but at an easy pace. I've felt no pressure of time, stopping to take lots of photographs. It's felt like a recharging kind of day.

I've not been out on the bike much recently so I'm going for a shot of the Dales rather than a shot of the moor. I thinks this represents the restfulness of the day quite well. I badly needed to turn my head off and have largely succeeded.

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