just sitting,

By justsitting

Focus on the aperture

Was reading the camera book I got out the library yesterday and was keen to get a better understanding of apertures and lens speeds. Someone had nicked that page from the book. So after a busy morning at worked I wandered over to the library via the great wee lock shop on Bread street. I needed a new barrel for R's bedroom door. There has been a lot of locks on here lately and I thought I may blip the shop, but I just felt too self consious to ask. Maybe just put it in the blip bank.

Blipped a few folks on the way and then headed to the high street. The festival seems to be running out of steam, things are still busy but maybe I have just lost enthusiasm.

Headed to Foutainbridge library on the way home to get The Executioners Song by Norman Mailer that I'd reserved and while there picked up some music, Gorillaz and something from Iraq. Both are good on first listening, and sound well worth the 60p rental.

Off to a wedding in Bachory tomorrow, so got polish those shoes that live in my locker at work and give the suit it's annual outing.

Have a great weekend blippers..

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