Regional Market Ottobeuren

Late start after last night. I took the dogs for a walk on the outskirts of Ottobeuren. Misty, cool, breezy day but dry. After the walk we went to have a look at the so called Regional Market, held once a year. The market square itself was mainly filled with old tractors and the cafes didn't seem to be doing much business with their outdoor tables. Most of the action was happening in one of the streets which with two dogs, camera and lots going on quickly became "difficult", so left without getting to see many stands. What I did see was not special and very little food stuff - had been hoping to find a swede. Bumped in to Mr&MrsB who had just had a family gathering in a restaurant and were on their way home. I didn't dare ask how they slept after last night's Pisang Ambong.

The bottom row of tractors are: Eicher (1934-82), Lanz (1921-57) & Röhr (1940-54 with a GB number plate?)

Note for B-i-l David: the waterfall is still working!

Have a good week one and all.

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