
One Street: Market Square, Shipley #59

It's been a frustrating few days. I keep ending up having to do these diddly shit jobs which I say yes to because they seem simple enough, and the time cost/business benefit balance tilts in that direction, but they are just taking longer and longer to complete. It feels like the analytical part of my brain is undergoing an accelerating kind of atrophy. Perhaps I should be celebrating rather than despairing though?

I got my notebook out on the train home tonight - for the first time in a few days. I was ready to write. I thought I was going to be keeping more of a journal, describing daily experiences, but I've found myself overtaken by ideas. A story is emerging already, and a few characters are beginning to come to life. I have even given them names. It's strange how that works, how a name just pops into your head from nowhere and feels right. I've now got to form a relationship with my protagonists, become friends with them ... even the ones I know I'm not going to like very much. Perhaps part of this new journey is coming to terms with one's darker side.

I'm not really thinking about where this is going. Right now I get quite excited by the prospect of putting pen to paper to see what's going to happen next. My aim is to enjoy the process of writing a story and seeing how it unfolds. I've always wanted to do this but I've never had a structure before. I think I might just have found what I need in that respect. My first book (non-fiction) was five years in the writing. I'm not expecting this story to be told any more quickly. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to give up the day job quite yet - even if my role is due to change.

A walk around Market Square at lunchtime threw up quite a few nice little vignettes, but this was my favourite. I tried to loiter long enough to see if the market trader (on the right) got a sale but the negotiations proved too protracted! I'd like to think so. It can't be easy flogging this stuff.

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