
By Croft16

I don't find this tiring..'s the view from the croft across the bay to the wild shore..

It's been another great day, and I've cleared a patch where the cabbages were. And weeded between the other brassica's with the strimmer. Yes, it was that bad!! Also strimmed a patch of late sown peas that didn't come to anything, and the remains of the french bean plants. Cleared and dismantled the netting for the four rows of sugar snap peas, all rolled up ready for next year. Just the mange tout to do now..

If the wind had been in the opposite direction, this shore would be crashing waves and foaming water. This was taken as the sun was getting low, which casts wonderful shadows at this time of year..

There's been a bit of a campain to get Hawkwind on Get It On tonight after my suggestion of "master of the universe" for the Downton Abbey theme, he's only got an 8 minute version, so heres another one..

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