It was this, or a "KOKT HUMMER Fryst saltlag".

Which is, apparently, Swedish for
"BOILED LOBSTER Frozen in salt water".
Or, as Google© puts it...
"BOILED LOBSTER frozen salt layers".

I tried, yetagain, with the Garlic Chives this year. Shock. Horror! Apparently also known as "Chinese Chives"
AAAAAAaaaargh!!!! Is there ANY bloody thing NOT attributed to China? And how long 'till they own the world??

Spotted the Kokt Hummer in Booth's. Got home and noticed, kinda latish, that I had Rockall else. Also realised I hadn't tried a macro for a while.

That, coupled with the fact that no previous lot of garlic chives have either flowered or lasted the winter before.
We're half-way there. All I have to do now is persuade them to overwinter successfully.

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