Autumn Trees

Another day feeling rough, it's getting annoying now!
A morning wandering around Milton Keynes didn't help. There's only so much shopping a person can stand!
I had a lovely afternoon with Miss E again. Our Wednesday afternoon trip to gymnastics is becoming special Mummy and Miss E time. She sits in the front with me and chats about her day She cuddles my arm and chooses the music we listen to - currently Cosmo Jarvis.
And after she's done whatever it is she does in gymnastics (and I've read in my book for forty five minutes in the car) we head off to McDonalds drive thru. A Happy Meal for her and a cup of tea for me. And we sing and chat all the way home.
And make up silly rhymes for number bonds:
7 and 3 do a wee
8 and 2 do a poo
6 and 4 fall on the floor

And my personal favourite:
5 and 5 give Mummy a cuddle.
She's ace!!

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