
By ColPepper


Ooooooh you cruel inhabitants of this beautiful Scotland
Listen to the sad tale I shall now seek for your edification to expound
It was on the fifth day of October twenty thirteen
And somewhat of the hours of ten and eleven between
When the postman’s’ footfall arrived at the door
And deposited a large green parcel neatly upon the floor

Ooooooh with such joy did the Ninja dog greet this arrival
Sensing gifts for his enjoyment and playful contrival
But no he was soon to be sore disappointed
When the parcel was opened and with the contents he was anointed
And fixed closely upon him to his dreadful ruination
This jacket pronounced loud his highly visible humiliation

Ooooooooooooooooh! How he did wail and how he did weep
Vowing that no one again would in their beds restfully sleep
He refused all his supper, the best in the land
And threatened to throw himself to the sea from the sand
Should he be taken for walkies wearing such clothing
Now he sits there plotting with unfettered loathing


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