Fall Color...

...even though, weather wise, it is still summer here. We have to hustle to eat dinner outside before it gets dark and chilly, but the days are warm and lovely. OilMan headed out with Will for a hamburger and to pick up plants ordered from the nursery yesterday, but the traffic backup due to a bicycle race prevented that plan. We went to the nursery this morning and picked up a loaf of bread at the wonderful Pacific Bakery on the way home. The girls working there were a bit grumpy, and said they had sold out of all their pastries, including my favorite cardamom rolls, by 10am! I suspect it was the aftermath of the bicycle race. Cyclists seem to be drawn to bakeries and there were 7,500 of them in town yesterday!

The new plants are now planted and the trick will be to see that the new drippers a) work and b) the water goes to the plants and doesn't run uselessly down the hill, c) the gophers don't eat the roots and d) the moles don't tunnel the dirt and water away from the roots. Gardening isn't for sissies around here! David finished the shed ,except for the door, before he succumbed to some malady. We put his tools in the shed and were impressed by the apparent ease with which he had dragged everything up there. Hope he's better soon.

Jim is making his famous pizza dough tonight and we are going to take some of our "volunteer" heirloom tomatoes and zucchini over there to put on it. Being Midwestern boys, Jim and Will and Peter probably will not think our offerings worthy of pizza, but that is the fun of pizza--everybody can have what they want on it!

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