in autumn. So I set off in the morning to the Zuiderpark.
On my way I cycled along the big ponds and saw the swan family from a distance. Two white, four brown, there is one missing?
It certainly bothered me for a while.
The Zuiderpark is located in the south, not really for from my home, but the roads towards it are crowded and not very green.
But when you arrive at the park a different world opens up. There are so many different parts and today I discovered a huge area with a enormous pond (I never had seen before) and arboretums that are planted with trees and shrubs that grow in several continents of the world. I walked slowly and took it all in.
The park is designed after the plans of the famous dutch architect Berlage.
On my way back I came again along the ponds and to my surprise the whole swan family, was united again, they sat upon the shore and another white adult (? not the big male) was sailing in the water there too. Quite a mystery I thought.
I only observed, high time to eat a sandwitch or two, three.

My haiku:

Patiently the trees
Stand waiting for autumn's

And the proverb:

Z/hij zet de vork verkeerd in 't eten.

Translation: S/he puts the fork wrongly in the food.

Meaning: S/he eats reluctantly.

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