Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave


It was a lovely sunny early autumn day today and my Mum and Dad came to visit for the day, and we went to Brandon Marsh nature reserve for a look around. We saw loads of Lapwings on one of the lagoons, together with some Shoveler Ducks. On another lagoon we saw 3 heron fishing together, and in the background we saw a Kingfisher darting around in the trees.

I also saw a Swan flying over, and this very nearly made today's blip, but I saw something even rarer (for me) in the afternoon.

In the afternoon we walked around in a different part of the reserve and I heard some grasshoppers clicking away, and suddenly I saw one move and I saw where it landed, and it stayed still long enough for me to get my camera out and focused on him before he moved again.

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