Buttermere Shoreline

It was a pretty bleak morning for our first day in the Lake District. Our big walk was planned for Saturday, so Friday was to be a gentle intro, and with the rain pounding down we didn't want to be completely saturated before the main event!

So we decided on a circuit of Buttermere, raining when we set off but soon it abated and we enjoyed a chilled out afternoon around the Lake.

The leaves that had already yellowed and become orange had fallen, and they created beautiful borders along the wash of the tide. Oak leaves upturned collect individual droplets like half marbles and when they catch the light they create a gorgeous glittering carpet.

We were excited to think we saw an Osprey but it turned out to be a buzzard, still exciting :o) We saw a red squirrel collecting acorns and between Buttermere and Crummock Water there were Belted Galloways lazily deciding how to spend the day.

We stayed at the Langstrath Country Inn; I forget how many times we've stayed there but it's always a gorgeous place to stay and the food is hearty and good.

I took too many photo's as always and have put a set on here. No squirrels but a couple of Belties!

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