half a million puffins

Our Book Group choice for this evening - just managed to finish it in time! Just arrived back.

Sea Room - An Island Story by Adam Nicholson
The story of one man, three islands and half a million puffins.

If you:

love the Hebrides and would revel in an extremely detailed story of the Shiants, three islands 5 miles off Lewis; can read with fascination about the uncovering of layers of history; would really like to know about every person who has lived on the islands since forever; want to know everything about the birds and rats and sheep that live on the island

: you will love this book.

If you:

feel a little uneasy that the author is from an ‘eminent’ family and is a 5th Baron something; are a bit concerned that the islands were bought by the author’s father, given to him on his 21st birthday and have now been passed to his own son; have misgivings about anyone being able to own an island and justifying this by saying that they are the best conservationists and visitors would ruin it

: you will be irritated by the book

We all loved it and were irritated by it!

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