Wind Blown

I am still lugging the D80 with Sigma 10-20 around. Different day, totally different fence and a somewhat different location. This time I am standing outside the old Hydro Majestic Hotel site at Medlow Bath.

Some people are keeping the faith, declaring that the old hotel is about to "live again". Mmmm. We'll see. A long time ago a construction site fence was put up around the property which made everyone think something was bound to happen .... buuuuuut ..... nothing much appears to have happened at all.

Back in 2011, a sign went up which proudly proclaimed "Re-opening in 2012". Last year (i.e. 2012) came and .... went. A version of the sign is still there but the "2012" has quietly been painted over. The site fence has blown flat a few times .... but .... nothing else has happened.

Some time back they stuck up some shade cloth on the fence. Everyone said, "Gee something must be about to happen now!" ......... Noooooothing haaaaas happened. Today it got very windy and the increasingly threadbare shade cloth began flapping FURIOUSLY in the breeze. I suppose that is kind of like something is happening ... sort of .... I suppose.

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