
By SueL7

Another stag!

First of all, Mum and I were totally overwhelmed by all the lovely comments yesterday - I read them all to her. Thank you so much - you made our day! Mum finds it hard to believe that she "is on the internet"!
Incidentally, I did not realise that it was my 100th Blip - I am so pleased that Mum was the Star for that! It was most fitting as she is so supportive where my photography is concerned - and I am sure I must bore her to tears at times!
Today is another stag day. I was in Richmond Park for a deer talk. It was most interesting. The talk was followed by a deer walk. The red deer are right in the middle of their rut, and we saw plenty of action. I was standing on a bench to take my Blip as this stag was deep in the bracken.
Here are some statistics which may interest you
Red Deer - male = stag: female= hind: young = calf.
Fallow Deer - male = buck: female = doe: young = fawn.
There are about 300 red deer and 350 fallow deer in Richmond Park.

Thank you again for yesterday.

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