Dune Jumpers

The lads throwing themselves off the dunes at Belhaven Sands. The wind blew and the sunny morning was followed by an overcast afternoon but it stayed dry and didn't dampen spirits. We arrived home with shoes and pockets full of sand - success then.

Malcolm's Pokemon game arrived, released today and much anticipated so we had to wait until he had a few hours of whatever it is you do in Pokemon, then drag him out.

ParaNorman as a family in the evening was really good fun. Lovely animation but not as lovely as...

Ivor The Engine which I bought on DVD, 24 episodes and all very lovely. I'm reading Oliver Postgate's autobiography and it's a delight to go back to these knowing more about their creation. Katie and I sat for hours watching Jones the Steam, Dai Station, Mrs Porty and all the rest. Bagpuss is easily available as well, The Pogles are available as well, as well as Noggin the Nog although it's a bit expensive.

Gotta Catch 'em All!


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