Not Mush Room...

...left for the giant, century's old beech tree, in this shot...

Sorry for the cheesy pun but knew someone on Blip was going to use it sooner or later, now we are in the season for fungi.

But this is what you get when you are on your belly, 10mm super-wide lens just inches from the 4 " across fungi - the rest of the woodland recedes quickly into the background.

The dampish weather had brought out lots of fungi - in places I had to be careful where I stepped - once you see a few, you see them everywhere - quite exciting, actually!

Lens is Nikkor 10-24mm.

Now that the rain has set in, it's back to decorating the hallway and stairway, so will be back to the PC and blip later. Have a relaxed and peaceful Sunday, everybody!!

Have just taken out a contract on a Nokia Lumina 520 smartphone and so soon will be able to view and comment on my favourite website with it! Another new toy to get excited about!

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