Just me

Last week one of our guests arrived with a cold, and by the end of the week about 7 of the group were suffering, including me. Yesterdays blip of the oyster man was taken despite sneezing fits!

So today, without guests, I took a relaxing day to recover (feeling way better now) and just as I looked out the window in the evening at the darkening cloud-laden sky, I realised I hadn't taken a single photo (not helped by collecting Mike from rugby armed with a camera but no card!)

So I'm afraid you've got a SP - I think my last was January 2012 - and I don't like doing them, but it's a blip, and many of you know my photography but don't know what I look like! Now you know why I stay behind the camera.

Can welcome a new LPH blipper, Bev Humphrey, who came to Tuscany with us a couple of weeks ago - she's aiming for a blip or two a week, rather than the daily blip, but please take a look at her pics, and give her support.

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