
By pose

Walked to Woodley Baptist for church today. Ended up seeing Mel who I haven't seen for years, so we had a good catch up. Mum made up for yesterdays meal and made the most amazing roast (you can't even see all the elements from this picture). I was SO excited... and I seriously mean that. To top it all off we had a coconut treacle sponge pudding with custard. Now this is proper Sunday food.
I had to have a little time out though and lie down and watch something and knit to let it all go down. Went for a walk with the Madre, wore my new coat. Another exciting element of my day. You can tell my life is fairly dull by the things I find exciting.

Had a lovely skype with Emma, a chicken and pickle bap and a square of chocolate to top it all off.

My Dad says I only ever blip food (not true) so I'm wary of blipping this but I feel it played a large role in my day so it's worthy.

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