
By Grapefruits

Roll up roll up special offer for today

Catching up on my blips this afternoon, thanks for all your comments on the power station blip the other day was tracking down photos for work when I found that one and others that I need to get around and post up sometime this week hopefully. Its peeing down outside, heating and the fire are on me and the dog hoping to catch a 5 minute a nap in a bit.
Thanks to all of you for continuing to check out my page and todays blip is because I picked this up today for £1 in the St Luke charity shop (they had a couple of old looking camera and light meters in the window) ok not the best example but tugged at me as I worked at Ilford for just over 2 years about 17 years ago at Mobberley in the film and paper coating plant not great fun in winter driving in and out of work in the dark and working your 12 hour shift in the dark not to say we didn't have some fun on the way always good to lighten up a boring shift watching someone walk into the gaffa tape set at head height obviously not elf n safety correct nowadays haha

The Ilfomatic Universal 50 was produced in Hong Kong as was a cheap nasty unit to try and eek into Kodak's instamatic market, having a two speed shutter and a two element 49mm f11 glass lens, with 2 aperture settings sunny and cloudy high tech or what, the 50 required a separate flash gun, fitted into the centre contact accessory hot-shoe on the right hand side a later version 50C allowed a flash cube to be plugged in. The Universal 50C replaced the Universal 50 in July 1968 and the whole Ilfomatic line ceased by the end of the 60's. Lots of Kodak instamatics in charity shops around the country but not many of these are they weren't made to last
Digging through a carrier bag of old photos last weekend and found a photo on the Ilford work station where two of us worked - funny how things come together for no reason isn't it

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