
By NinjaShoe

That tree again

My parents dropped in to take me out to lunch on their way home from Peterborough visiting my sister Sarah and family for the weekend.

I thought I would take the opportunity to photograph the tree over the road again, thinking I'd catch it before the leaves start turning yellow, but that it hadn't changed much since July.

Well it hasn't but the surrounding grass certainly has!

Mid Nov 2012
End Nov 2012
Mid Jan 2013
Mid July 2013

I've noticed that Mum is a little worse again. Whereas before she could understand what was going on when people talked together - but couldn't articulate the words to join in conversations, now she says she can't hear the conversations. (Hearing aid is turned up full). Dad thinks now she is only picking up perhaps 30% of what is going on, and mostly switches off.

Another worrying development is that she is has forgotten how to draw up and inject insulin (which as a diabetic has to be done), and cannot remember which box of pills she takes when. The impact on my Dad is that he has to keep a much closer eye on her at all times, and cannot trust if she says she has done something ....

On the positive they are well plugged into the NHS and other Alzheimers support networks in Croydon, and have good local friends who are willing and able to help.

But it is a very helpless feeling watching someone you love very much withdrawing and fading....

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