West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Pretty in Pink!

I don't pose my pictures, well maybe the twins when they agree to pose sometimes but even then I prefer the candid approach. Today's shot is so random it may appear posed but I assure you that what you see it what I came across and untouched, at least by me!

A walk in the woods is always a pleasure, I love the solitude and the quiet that accompanies me. I enjoy the beauty of the colours especially now as turns another year, Autumn in her vibrant beauty for me marks the end of days, the dark days of winter to be endured, not enjoyed, too old these days for the cold that truly chills me to the bone. That is not to say I do not enjoy the beauty of winter, the virgin snow, a soft blanket that transforms the landscape, making the familiar spectacular for those brave enough to venture out to see. I love how it changes the face of our river,the hills to the north shore reshaped by the white, a harsh beauty.

As I walked I saw this pair of Wellington Boots, not discarded but carefully placed on a felled log; it makes me wonder where they came from? So; if not thrown away were they in fact kicked off by a child in a buggy frustrated by the confines of the pretty pink boots, a parent oblivious to the muted thud as they hit the leaf carpet not to be discovered until they reached the safety of home.... probably!!!!

It did cross my mind that there was some weird conceptual artist loose in the woods, random installations scattered to provoke the imagination of passing walkers. I liked this idea more than the thought that some poor little girl would be upset over the loss of her Hello Kitty wellies. Sadly there were no more installations to be found so I suspect the kicked off boots is the true reflection of the boots, picked up by a previous walker and placed in plain sight hopefully to be reunited with a lost little girl. I am sure we are all familiar with horrible sinking feeling of losing something, it doesn't even have to be something special or dear to us, it can be something innocuous but once lost that stomach knotting sensation is the same... perhaps though that is only me, a sentimental old fart!!!!

However these boots arrived here they made me smile, the randomness, the unexpected, the disenfranchised item somehow at home in nature. I hope the shot raises a smile with you as it did with me and best in large I suspect.

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