Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Brampton Abbots: The reach....x

The oak tree, (also seen before HERE) has stood as a faithful friend, stabilising our landscape in our view from home. The children walk, ride, cycle, run, play, swing, and build fairy homes at her base. She is quite a long way away, but the children always run to her.

She stands, you see, on the edge of a large field. She changes shape and colour, in synchrony with the field beneath. The oak, turning into her dark winter uniform, her leaves are dying slowly, she's hibernating for the winter. The field beneath, now a stubble field. The harvest gathered. The straw picked up. Now nothing but dark Huey autumnal tones.

They took a chainsaw to her today. Taking off her lower limbs. I heard them from the Chicken pen. I walked round to see. To check that she was still standing. Just her lower branches. I would guess its to let the tractor pass clearly underneath. I hope that they don't come back with chainsaw tomorrow and bring her completely to the ground.

That would be very sad...x

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