Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Valkyrie in the fog...

H and I wanted to row this morning but alas it was again really foggy. It’s that time of year. We dragged our feet til 9:00 am (late for rowers, but not for us!) and thought that fog was on it’s way out. We tried to get to Lake Washington but it was pea soup out there; much better in Lake Union. This is looking south, one can see the chimneys for the old Steam plant in the center and on the right one would normally see tall buildings of downtown. Blipper Mikedays’ houseboat is just visible on the left.:-) But the flat water is a rower’s dream. Like butter.
This is the only boat (other than the police boat) we saw for an hour. I loved that it is called Valkyrie.

A lovely long lunch with visiting friends who used to live here. And tonight the opening of the new exhibition “Peru” at the Seatle Art Museum. A fine day!

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