occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

you are loved

so this video is making the rounds on Facebook tonight. just got off a 12 hour emergency psych shift... spent the entirety of my day and night asking people why they tried to kill themselves or what is going so terribly wrong in their lives that they want to end it all. unfortunately, I've done a terrible job at keeping up with my blips, but I've actually been having a fascinating time on my psych rotation thus far. last day of rotation tomorrow. I'll be uploading my photos since mid-September this weekend I guess. Anyway. This video seems applicable to every single soul I talked to today. (And yesterday. And the day before that. And the day and night before that.) There is so much love in the world. Maybe it's not the love that you think you've been looking for. Maybe it's so much more than you ever dreamed. Maybe it's always been right there in front of you. Maybe you've rejected it day in and day out. Maybe, someday. This is for everyone I talked to today; this is also for me. I'm tired. I feel like I always miss my chance. A day late. A dolla short. So many things weighing on my mind for the past month. I think that's one reason I've stayed away from blip for fear of revealing too much. I'll come back around. I always do...

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