Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills


Its been a funny old time, lately.
I have changed in ways that I have only recently recognised.
Im jumping the broom.
Im wrangling a teenage daughter (I said "wrangling", ok?).
Im co-parenting a Dag.
Im picking and choosing what I photograph, in line with this....
novel maturity....

I love the man that makes these guitars, and I love how they sound...like a good dram in front of a peat fire.
I love the woman taking that jump over the broom with me...like a warm brandy after a wind-scalded Wicklow hike.
I love my little woman, she sparkles and bubbles and fizzes and pops...like that alcopop you kept hidden in your pocket during the school disco when "Jump Around" came on....
As for the Dag, well....he is the dark ale taken in my leather armchair, hazel eyes fixed on me until sleep claims him....

I am a Blipfart, too.

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