Eaten from the inside out

OK, so I was doing some test shots for my new book - Dead Insects You Find Under The Fridge and my main models, Wasp and Bee, were looking good. The lighting was a bit tricky and I was getting some bee fur reflection.

When I moved Bee I noticed that some dust dropped from his underside. I carried on and moved him again and some more dust dropped out. I thought it must just be pollen that Bee had collected in his pollen sacks before his final moments.

Then I turned Bee on his back and I saw It. This thing's head was wriggling out from Bee's body. It crawled out and had apparently eaten its way from the inside out. I looked closer and Bee was hollow.

Then It started crawling towards my beer.

I hope you haven't just eaten.

It looks worse BIG

Anyway, anyone interested in my new book?

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