Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At home: hold onto the light....x

The winter draws closer every day. The late rising morning sun closes the day far too early. The sun has shortened our day, our months, our winter. She's curbing our behaviour, forcing us into a sleepy slower pace, much like the wildlife about us.

The sun is depriving us of those hot summer rays. The energy that they gave us. The energy that rejuvenated and healed the rain tarred ground from the seasons before. The sun, is shutting down for the winter. The animals tow her line. Theres no more skipping about, running around. They are busy laying down fat for the winter, eating almost non stop. They are busy growing winter fur, downy coats. The trees returning all their energy into their roots. Bracken and Doc leaves do the same. They don't disappear or die. They save energy, for the warm spring sunshine.

Perhaps its only humans that carry on regardless. I notice it, I see it in my sons skin. The vitamin D in the suns rays would normally give him a clear complexion. He must be tuned to the winter season because without fail, his face becomes dry and scaly. I search through the cupboard for the lanolin. Its a winter ritual. Perhaps he needs a vitamin D supplement?

Come to think of it, maybe we all need one to help cope with the long winter months or perhaps we should just shuffle around and wrap up warm like everything else. Hold onto the sun Ella, we need it...x

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