Escalator Caper

I'm going to take a pic, just stay there! I couldn't get my camera out of my bag. Just a minute. I dropped my lens cap. Keep walking backwards. Poor Pat, she smiled, she posed and walked backwards on the escalator whilst I faffed about. We were laughing so much that my hand shook and the shot was blurry so I had to tweak it a bit.

Sian picked me up and we met up with Sue at Bents, it was great to have a cuppa and catch up. Then....and I shudder as I type this...we walked around the Christmas displays. Sian dropped me off at Pat's and then I went with her to the Trafford Centre. It was a flying visit as we were looking for a case for Pat's new phone.

It is a hunters moon tonight and I had thought I would try a moon shot but it is far too cloudy. So this 'escalator caper' will have to suffice.

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