Pure Bred Quarter Horse

Backblipped 20 Oct.

Today my friend (& sporadic blipper Chrissybelle)  and I set off to travel to a farming area just north of Christchurch to attend a Equine workshop starting at 3 pm.  (Some retail shopping at Ashburton on the way, as you do - I was very restrained).  The course was run by Antonia Steeg who was our terrific presenter at our recent convention.

Started off with some indoor tuition and familiarisation then out into the paddocks to photography her two Quarter Horses.  The mare very pregnant and two weeks overdue.  Hopeful of a wee foal over the weekend.  This is the daddy to be, just a three year old with lots of spirit.  

Scrumptious breads, cheeses, pate's and hummus's with refreshments followed, then some computer time to do a little editing.

We continued with our editing where we were staying until almost midnight.  Buzzing would be how to describe the two of us.


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