
This is the wallpaper on my laptop. It's a painting of a sunflower done earlier this year by my 3-year-old great-niece. I just love it.

Here follows an account of my afternoon's activities titled

Yes, I've been clutter-clearing some more, which involves black bin bags, charity bags and recycling. Now the best bit of recycling for me is when I can match an existing need with some spare part. So, before chucking a cheap old carriage clock, I unscrewed the brass handle from its little 'back door' to save as the perfect replacement for the long lost plastic door handle from my doll's house (vintage circa 1958 - I'm not quite ready to part with it yet!).

This handle is the perfect size except that the hole in the toy house's little metal door isn't quite big enough. I'm sure I can enlarge it slightly with a drill in due course. In the meantime, I needed somewhere safe to stow it where it wouldn't get lost. I found the perfect place: the top drawer in the doll's house chest of drawers. I was so chuffed I rushed to tell Mr PP about it, who said something about my becoming a fractal hoarder ...

Perhaps given all the grief domestic property is giving us at the moment, it wasn't the best time for me to bring a third house's refurbishment into the equation ...! At least we had a chuckle - although ... how do you tell a haha-funny laugh from a manic I'm-going-to-walk-off-a-cliff laugh? (Poor Mr PP!)

Oh, and if you don't think I should hang on to my doll's house after 55 years, then consider the chessmen: where would they go to sing carols?

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