
By samsticks

About turn!

The sleep marathon paid off - I awoke this morning feeling a little spaced out, but otherwise pretty normal. Incredible really, seeing how terrible I felt yesterday! I decided not to push it anyway, left the bike at home and got the train in.

Not the best day today - it was grant outcomes day and we didn't do very well. My job is currently uncertain from January 1st... sounds about right, we will be 1 month into a mortgage on a house that we're not even able to move into...

There better be something really f-ing incredible on the horizon after the year that we've had. Oh, and a fine came through from Melbourne transport today for Gina - $212 for having used the 'blue' myki machine instead of the green one (even though there's no signs saying that the blue one is for checking your balance only... because you're supposed to be psychic).

When it rains it pours. At this rate we'll be lucky if we can float out of here... time to start inflating the life raft.

Oh the blip - just another one of the snails in our garden. With all the rain we're having at the moment, we seem to be hitting a 40/60 snail/post ratio. It's OK though, most of the time we can guess what the letters are about (wish they'd eaten all of that fine though!)

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