
By HeartFreek

A little bit of Gym....

....is still bad for you!!!!

So we made it today. It was fun! Made funner with the use of the 'Fast Camera' app on my phone! This is Daughter Number 1 trying to get me 'planking'. I found it all a bit tough as I haven't been to the gym since I hurt my back and my stomach muscles are...well...not there anymore! The red Heart n my hand is actually a plaster Daughter Number 1 put on my hand yesterday. She found a tin of Heart plasters and I was just testing it!! There was nothing actually wrong with my hand. I am a bit mad though!

Then I had the most bizarre experience!!!

About 9 years ago, (long before I met Mr W) I had a little, wincy bit of plastic surgery just to help fill up my boobies again after my babies stole them. In the pool of the gym was my surgeon!!! (He's also appeared on TV quite a bit on those whole body make over programmes.) Now, I have only had 2 proper relationships, so not many men have well, touched that bit of my body, but in the same pool, in the same lane, swimming together were 2 men who have...well... played with my boobies!!! Mr W even ended up chatting to 'the other' man!!! It was all just a bit bizarre and I couldn't quite get my head around it!!! Its not something that happens everyday is it!!! Anyway, I just thought I'd share my bizarre moment with you!!

We are off to see Captain Philips this afternoon as its our day off together. I think Im looking forward to it!!!

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