wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

And they say cats don't smile

They haven't seen this happy little kitty cat. I say little. He's not little. At all. I was permitted to have one hand free with which I could operate my laptop, but everything else, including half the keyboard and trackpad, was to be covered in a thick layer of purring fur.

I'm not quite sure what I've done today. Sorted some more travel photos, but not yet culled them to a facebookable number (I have around about 2000 still to deal with). Watched some tv. Sat by the fire for a disgustingly long time. Finished a novel. Drank far too much tea. Played with the cat. Watched the squally weather come and go all day. Listened to the wind howl around the house.

That's enough for one public holiday.

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