Hello Kitty!

When I bought my camera case, it was by default rather than choice - this was the only one that fitted and had a zip that I wanted in preference to fabric-ripping velcro. But it's quite grown on me.

Was at a loss what to blip this grey day, so had a look at what Challenges there were in the forum. It's Breast Cancer Awareness month and we are invited to blip something pink to highlight the condition and the importance of early diagnosis.

It means a lot to me as I might have lost my sister the same year as I gave birth to my first baby. He is now 34 and my sister, happily, is still around to enjoy life. She went straight to the doctor the minute she found a lump. Catching it early so often leads to a happy ending, so if in doubt, don't delay.

Hello Kitty in this blip is saying, "Goodbye cancer!"

And now ... I'm off to dance in a line!

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