
By witchcreations

A head full of information

My head is buzzing this evening, as today we went for the first day of our Adoption Preparation course. We've been waiting to get going on this for about a year, so it's great to be finally underway...

This is the initial stage, where we're getting lots of information about the process, the implications, the worst case scenarios and the happy times and rewards... today was great. Lots of info about the complex legal process, about the types of children who need permanent care, and we also had a talk from a lady who adopted her son a few years ago... it was a really uplifting, but in no way a sugar coated story... We also met some other lovely couples who are at the same stage as us.

So lots to take in. If all goes well, the prep course will take place over the next 5 weeks and then after this comes about 6 months of assessment, followed by an approval panel, and then matching and then all sorts of legal wrangling, until finally we'll have our little family... It's gonna be a long haul, and I suspect that I won't be quite the same person by the time we get to the other side... but I'm really excited.

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