
By pattons6

It's mine daddy and your not getting a bit

Mummy let me pick a sweetie today. I picked a hippo was amazing. I sat down and ate it all. Okay I ended up with some on my forehead, chin, neck, hand arm, foot and jumper. I may also have dropped well smeared a little in my daddy's shoe, he did ask for a bit.

It's not been the best day today. Mummy took me out to lunch and was most upset when the first place refused to heat my food for me, so she walked out. She went in to Chiquita's and they were great. They gave me high fives, even gave me a plate of cucumber without asking and heated my food up. We are going back - soon.

I then got a huge treat, I got to see Grandma at her office. I love going there. I get to play with the phone, her computer and her mouse, just don't tell her boss. I sat on her desk, crossed my legs and picked up her phone. I then chatted away for a good 5 minutes, grandma seemed to find me funny. She asked me if I was finished and I said no. Still had things I wanted to say.

The day got worse when mummy had to get off the bus, she didn't want to take her car into town. You are allowed 2 buggies on a bus but if a wheelchair gets on one buggy must be folded or get off. No one offered mummy a seat or help so we had to get off. Mummy made it clear to the driver she understood the rules but if he expected mummy to be able to fold a buggy, hold me, the bags and have to stand, he had another thing coming!

To add insult to injury our fridge door has broken. Thankfully we have a big fridge downstairs, so everything was shipped downstairs before switching the other one off.

Now it's bedtime and I am very tired. I did go down no problem but woke up an hour later with my teeth. So after my teething liquid and some medicine, special cuddles from mummy and lots of kisses, I am off to my cot again. Hopefully I will get to lie in again like this morning, when I got up at 9am. I love a long lie in.

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