
One Street: Market Square, Shipley #70

It was a ridiculously beautiful and warm day for the time of year. I was able to take my stroll around Market Square in a T-shirt at lunchtime, the sun blazing out of a clear blue sky. I've felt like a caged tiger being stuck in the office all day, still struggling with the current work in hand and only making frustratingly slow progress.

I've seen Kitty on many occasions but I've never approached her before. She's always been sitting quietly on her own, usually having a smoke, and not wanting to make eye contact with anybody. She's just seemed very contained and I've respected that. Today, though, I did manage to get a little nod of recognition and managed to extract the merest glimmer of a smile. I took that as a cue, sat down on the bench next to her and struck up a very gentle conversation, punctuated by much silence. Kitty is not a natural raconteur. I didn't find out much about her except that she's originally from Tyneside, lived in Harrogate for 40 years before spending the last 28 years here. She said that she much preferred living in Shipley. That didn't surprise me. I hope I can hear more of her story another day.

Running late tonight because I was invited round for dinner by the Muddies. I earned my meal by extracting a hard disk from a computer and helping out with some plumbing. I can be just a little bit handy when called upon - although I don't intend to make a habit of it. As always, we enjoyed a very entertaining evening. Thanks to both of you.

I should tell you that there's a new kid on the local block, by name of WharfedaleBex. She's only been here a week and has already made quite an impression, posting some beautiful blips. We've not actually met but she's arrived here via a mutual friend and so becomes another blip daughter of mine. It's fun to watch your blip family tree grow like this.

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