My Best Efforts - Year 3


All Change..........

.............after such a gorgeous day yesterday, it was quite a shock to wake up to completely grey skies and rain!

After having cleared a lot of "unwanteds" out of the garden in late August, I purchased two tubs of begonias to fill a couple of gaps - an absolute bargain at £4 for the two!!! - and I Blipped one of them on Sept. the 1st. Well, they are STILL looking good, so here is the other one - rather wet but blooming away as if there were no tomorrow. For those of you who like raindrops, you have them here in abundance!
They have been an even better bargain than I first thought.

Am pleased to report that Anni's cold seems to have developed no further though she's still a bit headachey. Hair dresser day tomorrow.

Weather wet and windy though not cold - 55 Deg.F. - so no heating needed today.

Nearly the weekend again - so lets hope the weather turns again and we get some sunshine - have a good one, whatever.

Click on lower case "L" to see bigger raindrops.

It rained on this day last year and I blipped a very wet Fuschia

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