Third Year Abroad

By LittleLots

I took this photo in the early hours of Thursday morning so I thought I could use it to combine Wednesday and Thursday. This was the view from the terrace of a flat we went to for someone's birthday on Weds evening. If its not totally clear, they can see part of the Alhambra from their flat! Unfortunately the photos not brilliant but it was an incredible view. We'd been invited by another English girl from one of our classes although didn't actually know whose birthday it was, not even her name (making singing Happy Birthday fairly awkward). But there were lots and lots of people there. That's one of the really good things about exchange parties, everyone invites everyone to events. However having huge amounts of people over does inevitably lead to the police being called, so yet another party was shut down. Most of the party seemed to disperse in different directions at this point so we ended up just the four of us who had come, clearly we did a great job at making new friends! Although we did end up meeting up with some other people in the Irish pub before heading to Granada 10 so at least we branched out a little.

So of course that was another late night, making me even more glad that my bus to Madrid didn't leave until 4pm! The journeys pretty easy as well; it takes about 5 hours which includes a half hour rest stop and the coach is comfy enough, fully equipped with tvs and wifi. Its also surprisingly cheap, with tickets only costing 33 euros for a return even when booked on the day. Arrived in Madrid at 9pm in the dark and rain so didn't get to see much of the city on Thursday. Well, not much beyond the inside of a couple of bars anyway...

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