
Here's my little fortnightly supermarket treat - a Glade lavender scented candle. They smell so divine!

This weekend was a long one here, today being the public holiday of Labour Day. I did labour for a bit in the garden but I also relaxed. The coming week will be a tiring one I guess. Our staff is moving from the "temporary" location we have been in since Feb 2011 when our building was declared closed following the quake. We move to a new temporary one in an open plan pre-fab for at least another two to three years as the campus is remediated and a new home eventually found for us.

Fighting for the eight-hour working day....
Labour Day commemorates the struggle for an eight-hour working day. New Zealand workers were among the first in the world to claim this right when, in 1840, the carpenter Samuel Parnell won an eight-hour day in Wellington. Labour Day was first celebrated in New Zealand on 28 October 1890, when several thousand trade union members and supporters attended parades in the main centres. Government employees were given the day off to attend the parades and many businesses closed for at least part of the day.

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