There's a fox loose in the town

Firstly apologies for the title - I was going for a quote from Watership Down, but I just realised that's supposed to be There's a dog loose in the woods! (I knew it was woods, but got mixed up about the dog). Anyway, I now can't get it out if my head so, there's a fox loose in the town!

I went for my run tonight at 5.30pm. You can tell British Summertime is over can't you!? Anyway about 2 minutes after I took this shot, I ran into a fox!

I was running along Willowbrae Road and he was coming out of a driveway. We very almost collided. We saw the whites of each other's eyes. Thankfully the fox was much quicker than I was and about turned, flicking his tail against my right leg before he ran back up the drive. By the time I'd turned and got out my iPhone to take a picture, he'd gone!

It felt like a bizarrely comical moment - like we were comic strip characters. I swear both of our eyes bulged and we both kind of yelped (if foxes can/would yelp!)

I ran past the drive again on the way home but he was nowhere to be seen. So long and thanks for the shot of adrenaline Mr Fox!

Today's run: 3 miles
October running mileage: 36 miles
2013 running mileage: 911 miles

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