The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

You know you're in Yorkshire when ..

So off I went on my mission to photograph red squirrels ..

I got to the valley and followed the lane to a small hamlet of houses .. I drove through (spotting one red squirrel en route - hoorah!), parked up and walked back ..

I wasn't sure where to look as the houses were surrounded by forest, so when I saw a lady heading for her car I asked if she knew the best place for me to photograph red squirrels. She pointed into her own garden and said 'In there'!

So I spent the afternoon sitting in her garden watching red squirrels coming and going - it was fabulous!

She had to go out, but left her husband in charge and he brought me out tea and a flapjack - how civilised!

I gave him the two bags of hazelnuts I'd brought with me as squirrel bait, as a thank you :)

Lovely people and lovely squirrels!

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