PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Bonnie's Big Day Out

I had a lovely blurb written all about my wonderful day off with Bonnie and my stupid computer keyboard is playing up and deleted the whole lot! So now, I'm in a rush for work and don't have time to write it again! Short and sweet:

* Lovely breakfast in the city with K and B, friends from work

* Picked up my new car! Suzuki Grand Vitara which I absolutely love; and

* Took Bonnie to the beach for the first time ever! She was a little unsure about the large dumping waves (can't blame her really!) She kept jumping backwards trying to avoid them but eventually got caught out and got completely soaked, realized it wasn't so bad and from then on I could barely keep up with her!

All in all a wonderful day with a pretty wonderful sunset to top it off!

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