Aunt Joan 1912-2013

We bade a very fond farewell to my last and most favourite Aunt today.  There were some wonderful words spoken about her at the service and one of her granddaughters got up to read, haltingly at first but with encouragement carried on to the end, with some of her memories.

Just a few here:  "You were a legend.  Small but mighty.  We were your 'little sweethearts' and you were always pleased to see us.  You had a joy for life and a twinkle in your eye, which helps to explain why you lived for so long.  That and your incredible constitution mixed with sheer determination.  You shared stories of flying a plane and waving at the young men in the fields as you flew past.  The Summer when you rode horses all day and went to balls at night.  'There was lots of fizz and very little time for sleep'. The double date you arranged with your sister when you were travelling in Europe.  You agreed to meet 2 American boys but somehow you also arranged to meet 2 Italian boys at exactly the same time and place.  'it was a bit of a mix up' you said!!.
And then there was the handsome Major (our Grandad).
You helped to shape our lives and also the land around us.  You were practical and unsentimental but you loved your family, the doggies, the horses and 'the hunt' and in times of trouble, you were a rock.  We'll miss you Granny but we'll never forget you.  and above all things we're going to remember what you always told us - which is to always, always......  KEEP  GOING!!.
 At this stage I  confess I shed a tear.  

A very, very special lady, my Aunt Joan and very fitting with her love of animals and all things equestrian that her coffin was preceded by this beautiful grey dressage horse and rider and a mounted huntsman from the Cheshire Forest Hunt who had stood 'sentinel' outside the church throughout the ceremony with the whipper-in and a lone hound,  'blew her away' as the coffin came out of the church.

ps.  Another story which was told today:  A.Joan entered a car showroom having seen a beautiful shiny Jaguar on display and asked to take a test drive in it.  She asked the Salesperson what speed the motor was capable of to which the reply came "155 mph, Madam".  "oh goodee" said A.Joan, "I'll take her for a spin then",  On arrival back from the test drive the Salesperson asked how Madam had found the vehicle to which A.Joan replied "well she only did 151mph, but I'll take her"!!

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