Hi Water

Barking News

So glad you all enjoyed the stickathon. And my woofs go out for your wonderful support as usual. That’s my woofs (as usual) not your support…Errr…Just a bit….Yes it is….Ummmm… Oh never mind. THANKS A HEAP! (Sorry I am a bit tired tonite).

The Lake is dropping but there is still the odd tree and ‘tree to be’ submerged and this caught The Boss’s eye as we walked today. Extra walk today as The Bossess took me out with her walking group this afternoon but I am always ready to go if something else offers and this did as The boss wanted to add to his total after mowing the lawn. It was short and sweet. (The addition and the lawn).

The Boss loved this view and I needed a drink but the strong light confused things a bit so it was Lightroom to the rescue to create something a little different. Hope you like it.

Wet Feet?

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